Small Dog, Big Hero: The Story of Smoky, WWII Veteran

Small dog, BIG heart

Small dog, BIG heart

We here at YapTalk, know very well that big things can come is tiny packages. Even so, when you think about war heroes, I seriously doubt that any one in their wildest imagination would expect a 4 pound Yorkie to have been one of our nation’s heroes. We’d like to share with you, the story of a little Yapper that served our country valiantly during WWII.

As we honor the brave, men, women and canines who have served and continue to serve in the United States Armed Forces. Yes, you read that correctly…many of our brothers and sisters in arms are also of the canine persuasion and there have been a few who are small breed dogs.

A few of years ago, I had the great pleasure of connecting with the folks of the Cedar Hill Texas Pet Memorial Project , through this organization I learned about a little Teacup Terrier named Smoky who is credited with being the tiniest four-footed soldier to serve in WWII.

    “Smoky, a 4-pound female Yorkshire terrier, was found in the jungle of New Guinea and purchased by American soldier Bill Wynne. During WWII, Smoky earned honors for bravery after she warned Wynne of incoming fire on a transport ship.”

-BarkPost post, 05/22/2015: From Yorkies to Pitties: 20 of the Bravest Military Dogs in History]. During the war

Fortunately, Smoky did not lose her life in service. Bill and Smoky’s story did not end after the war.  For the next 10 years after WWII, the two friends continued to tour the United States in the entertainment field where Smoky demonstrated her remarkable skills, which included walking a tightrope while blindfolded.

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2005, a bronze life-size sculpture of Smoky sitting in a GI helmet, atop a two-ton blue granite base, was unveiled. It is placed above the very spot that Smoky was laid at her final resting place. This monument is dedicated to “Smoky, the Yorkie Doodle Dandy, and the Dogs of All Wars”

Happy Veterans Day to all of the canines and humans who have and continue to serve our country. YapTalk salutes you!

For more details on the remarkable story of Smoky and the man who loved her, pick up a copy of Yorkie Doodle Dandy from