Get Ready Now!

Be prepared to evacuate with your pet during an emergency
FEMA has declared May 13th, 2017 as National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day. YapTalk has partnered with Hill’s Nutrition and the SPCA of Texas, to raise awareness on this important topic. Let’s discuss the topic of evacuating your home with your pet.
If you evacuate your home, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND! Pets most likely cannot survive on their own; and if by some remote chance they do, you may not be able to find them when you return. An easy way to get started is to create your own Pet Emergency Go-Kit with supplies, food and water in the event that you and your pet need to leave your home.
The good folks at SPCA of Dallas also recommend making the following preparations BEFORE an emergency evacuation:
- Make sure your dog is wearing a collar with an ID tag that includes a contact name, current phone number and address. If you and your dog get separated, proper ID will be the best and fastest way to ensure you can be reunited. Check dog’s collar regularly to ensure that it fits properly and will not slip over their head.
Note: Additionally, make sure your pet is micro-chipped, and confirm that your contact information is registered correctly with the microchip company. If your pet loses their collar with ID tag, a microchip will allow you to be contacted once they are found.
- Keep a travel crate stored in an easily accessible area so that you can safely transport your pet in an emergency. Acclimating your pet to the crate will help the process go smoothly when you are in a hurry. Keep a blanket/towel and a couple of toys in the crate so that it is ready to go in a pinch.
- Create a pet emergency kit to store with your emergency supplies, including the following:
o Ziploc bag or plastic container of dog food
o Travel bowls
o Water bottles
o Waste and clean up supplies, including puppy pads for small dogs
o Copies of your dog’s medical records
o Toys, treats and other comfort items
o A leash, extra collar and a sweater to keep small dogs warm in cold areas
o Any medications your dog is taking
o Instructions for feeding and (if applicable) medicating your dog
o Contact information for your dog’s veterinarian
- Determine pet friendly hotels/motels in your area so that you can make arrangements for stay in the event of evacuation.
Note: Designate a guardian for your dog in the event that you cannot take them with you.
- Display a pet rescue decal in a visible place at the front of your residence so that first responders know a dog is inside.
- Keep your dog current on age-appropriate vaccinations to reduce their chances of becoming ill after a disaster or relocation.
- Acclimate your pet to leaving the house and traveling in the car to prevent causing them distress during a crisis.
Until next time, be safe and most importantly – Get Pet Prepared!
Small Breed Puppies

Hypoglycemia and small breed puppies is a very serious issue.
In celebration of National Puppy Day I want to discuss a very important consideration that could mean life or death for your small breed puppy. A few months ago, a family member called me in a panicked state because her daughter’s new Pomeranian was acting lethargic. I talked to her for a while running through a checklist of what could have gone wrong throughout the day. Long story short, they rushed the dog to the puppy’s vet and turns out, the dog’s blood sugar was dangerously low. I’m happy to report that all is well, the dog was treated and is being held for observation.
This reminded me of a very important factor of owning a small breed. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia in a small breed puppy is just one of the things that makes them special.
If you are considering a small breed dog please be aware of this condition and be prepared to treat it if it does happen. As always, consult a veterinarian for the care of your dog.
The post below is a great information source on hypoglycemia in small breeds.
Article Credit:
5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Dog

What is your new year resolution for your dog?
RESOLUTION #5 – Start a pet savings account
Just as parents save money for their children to go to college, pet owners should start a special account just for pet-related expenses down the road. Having some extra cash will ensure that you never have to compromise when it comes to getting your pet the best care possible.
RESOLUTION #4 – Update their tags
No pet owner ever wants to be in a situation where their pet has wandered away. But you can at least be sure that they will be returned to you as quickly as possible by keeping their pet ID up to date. If ANY of your contact information has changed… don’t wait — update their tags and microchip information today! It’s the best way to ensure a lost pet makes their way home safely.”
RESOLUTION #3 – Measure their food
Make your pet’s health one of your biggest priorities going into the New Year. Part of this involves paying close attention to how much food you give them. Too many owners, ‘eyeball’ their pet’s daily intake and pour that into a bowl, usually resulting in overfeeding and weight gain.” Using a measuring cup to ensure your pet gets just the right amount of food is the best way to go to keep them at their optimal weight and healthy.
RESOLUTION #2 – Make time to play
Your pet undoubtedly loves you and loves spending time with you. Make it a priority to play with them more next year. We often have good intentions when it comes to making time to play. But we don’t always do it. Carve out certain hours of your week that can be devoted entirely to playing with your pet. It will give them some much-needed exercise, and will provide you both with some crucial one-on-one time.

Play with your Yapper. It’s good for both of you
RESOLUTION #1 – Set up Playdates
Resolve to bring more joy into your pet’s life easier next year. One easy way is by setting up pet play dates. Call up a friend with a similarly size pet and get together at a nearby park. Interaction with other animals is great for your pet’s mental health, and can help vastly improve their social skills.
A Happy Ending
I almost lost Bella today! I came back from taking a run around my neighborhood and she was waiting on me…outside, when I got home! I don’t know what happened because my doors were all locked when I got home. The only thing that I can think of is that she ended up on the wrong side of the door when I left for my workout. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of microchipping your pet I am glad that I often take my own advice.

Close call with Bella today
I am fortunate enough to have some great neighbors who know how much I love my little dog so it set off alarms right away for them when they saw her roaming around me. However, I cringe to think about what might have happened if I didn’t have such great neighbors. YapTalk has partnered with Petstablished to help drive home these three extremely important things:
- Microchip your pet.
- Register that microchip with a reputable company.
- Keep your contact information updated so that if your furbaby does get lost, they will be able to get in contact with you ASAP!
Not all stories like Bella’s end happily but Petstablished and YapTalk want to ensure that we get as many happy endings as possible.
10 Thanksgiving Foods That Are Toxic To Your Dog

When it comes to your dog, use caution when giving cooking this Holiday season.
These are a list of 10 food that you SHOULD NOT feed your little Yapper while your are preparing your Thanksgiving feasts…no matter how much they beg for it:
Giving your dog a bone, no matter what the size, can mean a trip to the vet, and even possible surgery or death. She recommends making sure you throw out bones from your own meals so your dog can’t get to them. - RAW OR UNCOOKED TURKEY
The threat of salmonella in uncooked turkey is terrible for your dog’s stomach (and yours, of course). - TURKEY SKIN
You may love the turkey skin and gravy—but fatty foods like those are tough for your dogt o digest. In fact, your dog’s pancreas can become inflamed, resulting in pancreatitis. - DOUGH OR CAKE BATTER
Raw dough plus your dog’s body heat can actually make the dough rise in its stomach. That can cause your dog to vomit, while at the same time suffering abdominal pain and bloating. Plus, the batter you use for those cakes and cookies contains raw eggs, which could contain salmonella bacteria. Make sure to clean up any scraps or droppings that hit the floor right away. - BEER
Keep the cold ones to yourself. Some dogs might love beer, but it can really mess with their stomach. And if the dog has too much, it can cause a fever, rapid heartbeat, seizures, liver damage, or even death. - MACADAMIA NUTS
They’re very bad for dogs, and can cause a reaction called macadamia nut toxicosis. Symptoms can range from lethargy to vomiting to your dog being unable to stand up. - MUSHROOMS
Fungi are good for you, but very bad for your dog. If your dog eats mushrooms, the dog may experience vomiting, seizures, or even coma and possibly death. - ONIONS AND GARLIC
Your dog can get very sick from eating onions or garlic, because they contain sulfides—which are toxic to dogs and can cause destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia. - SAGE
It’s in countless Thanksgiving Day recipes, but it shouldn’t be in your dog’s bowl. Sage contains oils and resins that can upset your four-legged friend’s stomach and do a number on its central nervous system. - NUTMEG
Pumpkin and sweet potatoes are good for your dog—but make sure they don’t contain nutmeg. It has mild hallucinogenic properties that, when ingested by your dog, can cause seizures, tremors and central nervous system problems.
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5 Reasons to Own a Small Breed Dog

5 Reasons to Own a Small Breed Dog
- They are portable – You can throw them in a bag and take them anywhere
- Their poops are smaller and arguably less disgusting
- They get you a lot of attention
- If you are single, you always have someone to sleep with
- They are just too cute for words