Bad Moms Movie Review: Being a Dog Mom Seems Easier
Bad Moms is now available on DVD or for streaming. Mila Kunis plays Amy, a wife and the mother of two human kids and a dog named Roscoe. This movie is intends to convey the message that being a mom is a hard and often thankless job but in the end, all will be well. However, the movie for me, that it is a heck of a lot easier being a dog mom than a human mom.
Bad Moms tries to represent the different types of moms: The meek and timid mom, the mom who constantly feels guilty and worries about if she is doing the right thing for her family, the slutty single mom…(is it bad that I relate to her more in this film?) the bully mom…etc. It is an entertaining movie but the characters are one-dimensional and clichéd. Christina Applegate’s character’s actions for example, are a bit too over-the-top for my tastes. I often found myself wondering if this movie is meant to be a dark comedy, or a touching but humorous film about being a mother? I think the film tries to be both but in the end it just doesn’t flesh out.
Early on in the movie, Amy says: “At least once a day, I feel like the worse mom in the world.” I am sure that many women can relate. However, I can’t imagine constantly feeling like a failure or questioning my actions almost constantly for 18 or more years. Of course that is the cynical view. Most women will probably tell you that in spite of it all, they do love being a mother and happy that they made that decision.
Bad Moms has its cute and family friendly moments. However, parents, be aware that this movie is intended for a mature audience only. For example, there is an outrageously funny but very raunchy scene that involves a hooded sweatshirt, that made me blush a couple of times. Trust me, you do not want your underage kids around for that scene!
Overall, Bad Moms is an enjoyable film. I have no doubt that being a mother is an amazing experience but I’ll stick with the fur babies. It is a very telling moment when one of the characters in the movies tells their wife that they missed the dog more than they did their own daughter.
Download or rent a copy of Bad Moms today! Be sure to stick around for the end credits to see a touching montage of the actresses in this film interviewing their real life mothers about their experiences with being a mom. It is a very candid and touching interview. Check out the trailer below: