10 Reasons Why Your Dog’s Haircut Costs More Than Yours

Why does your dog's haircut and bath cost so much?!

Why does your dog’s haircut and bath cost so much?!

Ever wonder why you might pay $25 or $30 bucks for a haircut while the average price for a dog’s visit to the groomer is $50? Here is a cute little list that should give you a little insight into why this is the case.

Reason # 10: Your hairdresser doesn’t wash and clean your rear end.

Reason # 9:   You don’t go for 8 weeks without washing your hair or brushing                              your hair…at least we hope you don’t!

Reason # 8:    Your hairdresser doesn’t have to give you a sanitary trim.

Reason # 7:   Your hairdresser doesn’t have to clean your ears.

Reason # 6:    Your hairdresser doesn’t include a mani and pedi.

Reason # 5:     Your hairdresser only washes the hair on your head.

Reason # 4:     You sit still for your hairdresser.

Reason # 3     Your hairdresser doesn’t have to remove the “boogies” from your eyes.

Reason # 2:   You don’t bite or scratch your hairdresser.

Reason #1:   The likelihood of you pooping or peeing while your hair being cut is slim to none.


5 Reasons to Own a Small Breed Dog

5 Reasons to Own a Small Breed Dog

5 Reasons to Own a Small Breed Dog

  1. They are portable – You can throw them in a bag and take them anywhere
  2. Their poops are smaller and arguably less disgusting
  3. They get you a lot of attention
  4. If you are single, you always have someone to sleep with
  5. They are just too cute for words

Music to Calm Your Anxious Dog During Fireworks

This time of year can dangerous for pets-specifically, with the fireworks that are used during this country’s July 4th tradition. Many pet owners are desperate to find ways to calm and soothe their frightened pooches during this time.

I was fortunate enough to attend the BlogPaws 2016 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona last week. The attendees received swag bags with all kinds of great stuff for dogs (and cats). One of the items in the bag was a sample CD of  ‘The Ruff Cuts: Songs for Dogs and People Who Love Them

Music for anxious dogs

Music for anxious dogs

Songs like “I’ll Always Come Back for You”  and “You’re a Good Dog” are all good songs and the lyrics are relatable. If you really love your little Yapper…and I’m sure you do, you probably have said some of those things to your own dog.

The songs are veterinarian recommended and are perfect to play for your dog during anxious times like fireworks, separation anxiety or just when playing with or while grooming your pooch.

‘The Ruff Cuts: Songs for Dogs’ is available at iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify, Tidal or most other streaming music services. Download a copy today. Your dog will love it!

Until next time,

